Friday, June 21, 2019

Adolescent Pregnancies

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Unwanted pregnancies I feel are common in my community. I read an article in which  the author gave his point of view of the causes of an abortion and he said, "...I got her a glass of water to take the pill. I held her hand while she cramped and cried. I was there as we ended the life of our unborn child. Some choices leave scars. Our abortion was one of those choices. In the years since our decision, I’ve often reflected on what happened that summer." There are more than a few girls whom I've gone to school with during my high school years and have gotten pregnant then and some who are pregnant now. These girls got pregnant at an early age between 16-20 years of age. Personally I think a life is a blessing and should never be taken away. I asked a friend who has a 1 year old son what it's like to be a young mother and she said, "It definitely changes your view in life, everything I do is for my son who has become my main priority and even though my pregnancy wasn't planned I have no regrets and am truly blessed. I feel for those girls who don't think they'd have the support to get through a pregnancy and choose to abort, it is heartbreaking." Adolescent pregnancies have become more frequent and although most young mothers go through it, I'm sure most of them never intended to be mothers at a young age. Which is why to prevent cases of unwanted pregnancies to have both male and female protected. 
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 269 words].

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