Friday, June 21, 2019

The Great News Almost No One Knows About.

The American rapper, Akon, has been doing some incredibly positive work and almost no one in the United States knows about it. In 2014 Akon started a project that would provide solar powered energy to thousands of Africans spread over several countries in Africa."The projects provided electricity in 14 African countries as of 2015 and employed over 5000 people, and Akon said they have reached 1 million households in African nations with their projects.[1] The employees, newly trained, were mainly young people who install and maintain solar equipment." This has allowed thousands to be able to engage in many activities later in the day that they had not previously been able to such as hosting sports events or keeping shops open for longer and also provided many jobs to those that need it. It has made streets safer at night and has been a huge boon to those that have been delivered the solar powered electricity and yet such a positive project seems to have gone under the eyes of many.
This is one of the problems of today media. Everyone seems to dwell too much on the negative and are constantly at each others throats to even have time to step back and see that not everything that happen these days must strengthen the argument of their side or the other. Creating fake news to help strengthen their argument to attack others. Not sourcing information hoping that no one would bother to dig deeper. And if we keep this up more and more positive news like Akon Lighting Africa project will quietly go by as people start to perceive the world as more miserable than it really is.
[1 image, 1 quotation, 2 links, 279 words]

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