Friday, June 21, 2019

The Positives of Fake News

Many people nowadays are tired of hearing about fake news as the term is thrown around almost anywhere you go, but due to the rise in awareness of the potential for fake news people are becoming more alert to the news which they consume. They are less likely to immediately trust what ever they read / watch and are more likely to try find multiple sources  and try find any peaces that may have been purposely left out. This is what people should be doing when consuming the news as it is a good practice even if one thinks it is a trust-able source. But the largest positive of the rise of fake news is that satire pieces are now even funnier as it can be easily identified as fake news although it is not. 'fake news” and share some of its characteristics. Satire, for example, presents stories as news that are factually incorrect, but the intent is not to deceive'. This creates a whole another layer of satire as now one can be fooled twice. the first time trying to figure out weather the news is true, and seconds figuring out the authors true intentions. Rhetorically, satire is usually more aggressive / offensive than the usual fake news as satire is usually made to make a certain topic subject seem ridiculous while fake news is more trying to be as close to reality as possible and try thing such as using fake sources, which is why it is important to always check the source itself. Satire will rarely ever use a source unless the source is part of the satire itself and so those that do realize this will have a good laugh at those that don't. [1 image, 1 quotation, 1 links, 288 words]

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