Friday, June 21, 2019

Is How You Get Your News Wrong?

Lab 2: News Feed
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There are so many different ways to get your daily news. There is a plethora of news apps. How do you find which app is best for you?  In reading The New Yorker Facebook’s Newsfeed: Often Changed, Never Great, Om Malik talks about the algorithms of Google. “The more we use it the smarter it gets.” (Malik, Om.)  It remembers our searches and what interests we have.  The more you search the more alike the ads and popups for news stories will become.  This is catered to your interest and wants. 
            When researching Apple News on digital trends, one thing that I find interesting is its emphasis on placing a big focus on images and videos that are quick to load. Mark Jansen on Digital Trends states “big time news outlets are partnering with Apple News to help make their content readily available.” (Jensen) This gives access to major news articles at the tip of your fingers.  The availability and convince of all your news article being on one app can be very appealing.  Everything is about convince and having all your tools in one app can make news surfing incredibly easy. 
            Some apps come at a monthly cost and can also deter viewers.  Most news stories can be found just doing a quick search so the need to pay for a news app can be a little redundant. How do you find the right news app to fit your needs?  I think when finding the right app for you, it can be very personal.  The way you get your news may vary then others, what stories you are interested in and what is convenient to you.  We all have different interest when it comes to what we consider important need to know news. [307 words, 1 link, 2 quotes]

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