Friday, June 21, 2019

The Community Wants To See Change

In the community that I was born and raised in, Rockwall, Texas, the population is growing exponentially. Although families moving to your hometown are a good sign that the community is desired in the eyes of others, it does bring forth an annoyance of issues. I called a long time family friend of ours, Kimberly Miller, and asked her what issues annoyed her the most. Mrs. Miller said that, “the most annoying thing for me has to be the incredible increase in traffic over the last 10 years.” Mrs. Miller continued with, “I understand the town is growing faster than they imagined, but it is now time they start doing something to the roadways to clear up traffic.” Which I can completely agree, Rockwall traffic has been getting extremely congested in the last decade and it is a pain to drive through the city now. [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 145 words]

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