Thursday, June 27, 2019

Under 21 and Drinking

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One of the problems within my community would be underage drinking. In today's generation there is quite a lot of underage people who somehow get a hold of fake ID or pass as a 21 year old or older based on looks. I know people who I used to go to school with who are under 21 and always post videos of themselves drinking. I didn't ask any of them directly why they do it, sure some response would probably be something along the lines of "Just for fun", "Why not? Life's too short, I can do whatever I want" etc. So I turned to those friends who don't drink and asked them their opinion on it. One of them said, "I think some people find alcohol as a form to escape a situation in which they are in. They think that alcohol numbs their pain which might be true in some cases but it's only temporary. Also, some do just do it for fun and others definitely do it for attention or to fit in with the rest." I personally think the same way. Although, under age drinkers should still be very careful because the consequences are big!

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Anderson Cooper

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Anderson Cooper is one of the many famous journalist in today's century. He was born in 1967 and was raised in New York. Coopers father, Cornelius Vanderbilt, died in 1978 during an open heart surgery. A decade later his brother commit suicide jumping off of a 14th floor window. Both tragic death drove Cooper to become the person and journalist he is today, he turned these heartbreaking moments and connected them with his career.  "He was a correspondent for ABC News  and moved to anchor positions on CNN, hosting his own news program, Anderson Cooper 360 in 2003." Cooper is still currently keeping audience in tact with news through his own news program.

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Gluten Sensitivity?

Gluten sensitivity propaganda has boomed as social media blossoms. Many claim to be "gluten intolerant" but do not have celiac disease. And while celiac disease only "affects 1 in 133 Americans, more than ten times the amount shun bread." However, it is not gluten that is causing the problem more so a group of sugars called FODMAPS. "A new study shows that, in people with irritable bowel syndrome, a class of carbohydrates called FODMAPs are the main cause of digestive problems, not gluten itself."


As activism against GMOs increase, I begin to wonder if people really know what a GMO is. GMO, or genetically modified organism, is not food injected with pesticides or other harmful chemicals like some believe. In fact, many foods you eat are GMOs, such as bananas, apples, watermelon, and potatoes. Studies “found no substantiated evidence that foods from GE crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops.” The anti-GMO trend was started to scare individuals about their health, however, is it fake.

Is Diet Always Better?

All over the world people drink diet versions of popular sodas. Whether it be Coca-cola or diet sweet teas, diet sodas are marketed to make the public believe they are healthier than their regular counterpart. Being as they are sweetened with artificial, no calorie sweeteners, it can't be that bad, right? Wrong! According to several studies, "using artificial sweeteners and drinking high amounts of diet soda is associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome," and scientists have found diet sodas "may increase appetite." So, in all, diet sodas are not a healthier alternative to sodas.

Blondes are going extinct

Now, I know how crazy it sounds. I stumbled upon a news article claiming, “Blondes are going extinct.” They went into further detail by explaining how blonde hair is a recessive gene trait that's slowly but surely being dominated by other hair colors. “So it made sense when, in the early 2000s, a bunch of news outlets started reporting on a study conducted by the World Health Organization that suggested that blond hair wasn't going to exist in the human population after 200 years.” This original story was found on BBC but eagerly spread to FOX, CNN and other news outlets.

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Hologram Projection

Wkth the help of social media platforms, news good or bad spreads rather quickly. It's hard to know what articles are credible enough to believe. I found an article claiming that the iPhone 5 would be "coming out with a holographic keyboard and projector" Now, to some this might sound crazy but to others it sounds realistic. "The reports of the iPhone's hologram technology came complete with a video that showed lasers spewing out of the phone to manifest images onto thin air, like a tiny, more advanced R2-D2. " Although, after further reading the article it explained, "The features that Fox announced would be included in the iPhone 5 was a fake video. It wasn't a hoax meant to suck in gullible journalists -- it was just mocked up by an animation studio to show off their CGI. This goes to show that everyone, even journalists should do their research and make sure they're sources are credible.
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Allan Shivers

After my presentation in Government I did more researching on Allan. Allan was a Democratic that served as a governor of Texas for the longest which is seven and half years until Rick Perry served another term. He was also served as a major in the United States Army. He donated a lot of money to Texas schools and has scholarship funds still in his name. He donated his home and now it’s a museum and library. I found this pretty interesting and I’m not a history person , but I thought as a college student it was interesting that he donated and helped many kids go to school and reach for their dreams.( 106 words , 1 link and 3 images)

Love Makeup
 Makeup and techniques of application is very important to look young and beautiful. You can learn in so many different places from magazines to YoubTube.  Finding ways to make your eyes bigger and brighter to making cheeks smaller and lips bigger. I know what makeup now last longer and better for my face with the click of a button. I can look young( or try) or dramatically different. My favorite is MAC products. They do cost more but they last and stay on skin. Maybe I should start doing makeup videos for 53 year old women.
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Legalize Marijuana

I think the use of marijuana should be legal in Texas. I know so many people that have moved to Colorado so they can be seizure free, and relieve pain from all types of disease. All we do is give money to pharmaceutical companies. It helps people with PTSD, cancer , seizures, anxiety and so much more.  The pharmucuttical companies are in it for the money not in caring for the patients.
How can we dope up our kids on medication that hurt them and not fix them? The oils can help our kids so much, but no one really looks into it  Do research on this and you will be amazed it’s benefirs.
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From City to Country Living

A recent issue in my community is the influx of restaurants, shops and different businesses being built. Myself and my mom, Brenda moved to Princeton, TX in September of 2018. I asked her how she felt about all the building. She explained, “I don’t mind because I’m not having to drive 20 plus minutes to shop or get good food although, I moved from the city to the country for more quiet living.” I agree with Brenda, there are pros and cons to the city building Princeton up. We don't have to travel as far for our favorite restaurants, shops, etc. 
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Better Choices, Better Lifestyle

Image result for farmers market to decrease obesity\  Image result for farmers marketObesity is a big issue in America's society. The American Cancer Society stated on they're website that "the rates of American adults with obesity have continued to increase over the past decade." Obesity is an issue that can create an 'open-door' of opportunities for other diseases. The American Cancer Society writes that "people with obesity are at higher risk than people of healthy weight to develop many serious diseases and health conditions." Obesity chances are likely to increase in young children and young adults, because of little to no physical activity and a poor diet. Throughout communities, there has been a push for better food choices and an increase in markets. The Harvard T.H. CHAN article Improving Food in the Neighborhood talks about building neighborhood markets to decrease these rates. The article states that "millions of people do not live within easy access of a supermarket, and that living in a food desert is associated in some studies with a higher risk of obesity." When I interviewed people on this subject, I got positive responses. A few of the people used similes to describe how building new markets would be like building an empire. Others used repetition to point out that they're saying and opinions are important.
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Light, Camera:                                   
The movie Spotlight (2015) is dramatic film that shows a new perspective of journalism. This movie is an amazing movie. It tells the story of how 80 boys were allegedly molested by priests of Catholic Churches and how 4 journalists work to uncover the truth. It truly shows the work and skills that journalists have. Throughout the movie we follow Robinson, Mike, Sacha and Matt as they bind together to hear the boys side of the stories and bring justice to them. While watching this movie, I learned and saw many thing I wasn't aware of that happened in journalism. In the article The 10 best journalism movies by Washington Post, it wrote that Spotlight "encompasses the frustrations and sense of mission that consume reporters and editors as well as journalists." Journalism is not an easy field. In the movie, when they were pursuing to find out how the church and the people within the church were protecting the priest, I saw the many challenges they faced. Having to start from small clues and work they're way to gain a case with strong evidence.
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Fake News

OH MAN! Fake News?

The news has been a source for spreading and updating people on the important news issues that were occurring in the world. It was the connection that allowed people to be updated, not just on their community but on the society. In recent generations, adding up, the image of the news has been completely reshaped. JBV Blog’s article, The News Industry & How It Has Changed, writes “public distrust of the media is at an all-time high.” The article continues to write “the way people receive the news and the way it is presented has entered a new realm.” The public eye has changed the world of news. The things being posted and popularized as “major news” are now questionable. TRU Libraries article What is “Fake News”? they refer to it as a “hoax.” But what is fake news? How is it spreading? Fake news writers use humor, allusion, tone and mood to give people lies. Lies that tend to seem more enjoyable than real news. It is now becoming easier and easier to create it, spread it and find it. TRU Libraries writes that “it isn't as obvious what is fake news anymore.”It is really important that you check what you are reading. Make sure to do research about it, before spreading it. And don’t believe all that you read. It is easy to be tricked and caught up.
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