Friday, June 21, 2019

Wondering Why Trump Changed His Mind About Bombing Iran? You Are Not Alone.

Rhetorics are used in news and advertainments so much, that we may not even notice them as they are encountered from day to day. The title of this article, followed by the commentary underneath, as well as the picture of the president was used to persuade the readers that his actions were unsure. There were “no fewer than five different explanations [that] have come out for the choice”. There are numerous ways that the article could have been edited to give a different feel, for example; they could have chosen to use a picture of Trump standing proudly giving a speech, or they could have even changed the title to read, Trump falls goes back on decision to bomb Iran, but for several good reasons. Once you study rhetoric strategies, they are almost impossible to miss.

Wondering Why Trump Changed His Mind About Bombing Iran? You Are Not Alone.

[1 image, 1links, 1 quotation, 136 words].

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