Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A Canadian Warship

One of the writers of the Taiwan News, Keoni Everington, talks about a Canadian Warship passing through the Taiwan Straight. He mentions the ship being used as a symbol to defy China's boundaries. However, along with the plans of Canada and some other ally countries, he also talks about China's possible plans to use the "principle of "conflict-comprise" to "at least" achieve "navigation notices" and to "blur the median line"(Everington)." With this last line, he uses alliteration to possibly create emphasis on China's plans. This strategy could be used to emphasize the dangers of China's goals involving Taiwan and conflicting state they live in.


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Counterfeiters on Social Media

Social media is something most of us use everyday. Instagram is one of the highest platforms that has many counterfeiters selling products, specifically cosmetic products. They have an ad and reel you in by using your emotions as well as the hype and appeal of the product being posted. In this article it was shown in the chart that "social media users are willing to do more than scroll through pictures - they’re also potential customers". These consumers are seeing something appealing and not even looking into the product to see if it is real. "Counterfeiters are adopting social media marketing at such a high rate since they’re able to tap into a huge potential target market for their fake products." This is super concerning because these people are completely fooling us and taking our money for fake products or products that you pay for and may never even receive. 

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Snapchat vs. Twitter

Social media is a huge part of how people receive and view news. Snapchat has a whole page full of news. But unlike Twitter, most of the news on that app is not actual news but more like celebrity news and sports news. There are a few articles on Snapchat that actually have stories about problems and other things going on around the country. Twitter is more of an actual news source. They have a trending page where you can find the top news stories and you click on one and are able to read all about it. Both have an easy way to access news but they both have a different demographic. Snapchat has a much younger audience compared to Twitter so that is why the "news" is much different than Twitters. In the article I read, Andrew Spelnek spoke about Snapchats interface saying, "Confusion is not a good business model." I agree with this but also disagree. I think it is very easy to find the news page, but to find what exactly you are looking for is quite difficult. I ultimately think that because Twitter has real, raw news it will do much better because more of the population chooses to use it.


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Taco Bell "Seasoned Beef"

A while ago a woman filed a lawsuit against the "fast food giant" Taco Bell claiming their beef was not seasoned. Soon after her lawsuit made it online, many other people decided to do the same thing. Taco Bell had been advertising that their beef was of a much higher grade than it actually was. They finally had to come out and tell people that they used oat filler which means that it was not even seasoned beef at all. The geniuses that work for Taco Bell's PR " took the opportunity to poke fun at itself hoping to mitigate the PR disaster." That idea worked so well that " the woman who started all the hullabaloo ultimately dismissed her lawsuit.


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Pope Francis endorses President Trump

People will do anything to get attention on the internet even if it does sometimes cost them their job. I found this article that said when Donald Trump was running for president, Pope Francis spoke out and said that he endorsed Trump. Within the next few days, there were almost a million engagements on Facebook where people were commenting on it. Quickly after the news got out Pope Francis spoke out and said fake news is a "'sickness.'" This stunt proves how quickly false news can get spread and how quickly people believe it not knowing where it came from. Luckily we have the technology now to delete whole websites, which is what happened with this website.


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Canada Dry False Advertising

Image result for canada dry

Canada dry is a carbonated beverage many enjoy. The company Dr. Pepper Snapple were sued due to their false advertisement saying that their beverage was "made with real ginger." According to Karlene Lukovitz, "The suit cites data showing that Canada Dry sales grew by nearly 9% in the six months following the addition of the “Made from Real Ginger” claim to its label..." (Lukovitz). Many people came out and admitted that the reason they purchased the drink was due to the false statements and the perception that "ginger has health benefits." Dr. Pepper Snapple has refused to comment on the litigation as they prepare for their defense.

Source: Canada Dry False Marketing

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Stoping Fake Advertising on Social Media

While a handful of social media influencers are still endorsing the harmful weight loss products, some are trying to end it. Some influencers, like Mykie of Glam and Gore, give their audience the reality of weight loss. Mykie recently took on the challenge of training for a bikini competition and wanted to share the process with her followers. In an Instagram story, Mykie said, "the only way to get the results you want in a healthy way is taking care of your body." She gives her followers resources* on accurate health advice while telling them to research on their own. Instead of profiting off of her journey, she is trying to give people accurate and healthy advice.  Mykie is one of the few influencers trying to bring to light fake advertising in social media. This helps her followers trust her more, which would be utilizing ethos and logos rhetoric strategies. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 150 words.]
*link would be provided, but the instagram story is not saved that contains the videos recommended by Mykie.

Fake News in Social Media

With social media information travels very fast. You can see "news" and it may be very interesting so you retweet it or share it on Facebook, with not even knowing if it is true. We look at social media and the most outrages headlines or the most out there stories to share. Fake news on social media is spreading at a crazy rate. "They found that false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories were." 70 percent is a huge number, the people putting out the fake news are using pathos to grab your attention. This article was super interesting to me to read the statistics on twitter and the amount of retweets that fake news gets compared to the truth. "It took the truth about six times as long as falsehood to reach 1,500 people". 

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