Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Domino Effect of Fake News

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I had searched "How false news can spread" and came across a TED talk in which it explained how quick fake news spreads around the world. This TED talk video mentions a quote in which I found extremely truthful, "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on it's shoes." Basically what the video further explains is that many new sources provide false information off of the source who originally provided the inaccurate details. People start believing the fake news of multiple news sources who post about the same thing, and when the truth is told the original false source is quick to point a finger on other sources.

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Social Media News vs TV News

thumb imageIn today's world, many of our breaking news that happen worldwide are found all over social media platforms. "As study after study shows, people are getting their news from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Instead of “tuning in” to TV, they are just scanning their social newsfeeds for information. As a result, social media has a very powerful impact on what type of news we consume.", says Christian Zilles on his marketing/social media article. I agree with him specially with all main news sources having accounts on social media whether it's on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube or Twitter. Within these active apps, users help spread the events by sharing them and making news available to others. I like to think of it as a  domino effect; where as soon as someone shares a post other people are able to continue sharing it. Apps like Facebook and Instagram are able to stream live videos and news which is one of the newest forms of sharing news within the internet. All platforms and applications have different ways of expressing news based off of their news titles of the events that happen, or simply how well provided the information is to the reader.
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All The President's Men

After watching the film, “All the President’s Men” I found that two of the journalists working for the Washington Post in the movie were investigated in the first Watergate break following the scandal. It was the biggest scandal (or one of the biggest) in the United States I believe and it involved wiretapping, burglary, sabotage and a lot of other things, about 40 people were charged with crimes related to the scandal. Surprisingly, I found this movie to be very interesting as I don’t typically watch older movies or biography type movies.
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Fake News in Social Media

As we all know, word spreads very quickly with the help of social media however, that information isn't always 100% true. I came across an article claiming "President Donald Trump ends school shootings by banning schools" now, I can agree that Trump does some outrageous things but I find it hard to believe this is one. The blog claimed that "this was a great step into making our country great again" and even included this picture of Trump signing some unknown documents. This is a perfect example of fake news in social media and it shows the importance to check your news source.

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Construction, construction and more construction

A recent issue in my community is the influx of construction resulting in more car accidents, fewer lanes available and more angry drivers! I asked my neighbor, Anna Martinez, how she felt about the recent influx of construction in Princeton, Tx. She said, “The construction and one lane traffic sucks especially because people are so impatient they honk and get riled up when some of us aren’t in as big a hurry as they are. The detours take me 10-15 extra minutes to get home.” I completely agree with Anna, the construction adds about 15 minutes to my daily drive to and from work because of detours. Furthermore, the construction may be annoying to those in the community but it's just one of those things we have to deal with. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 130 words].

Bias Fabric


Bias Fabric

American speech on "front pages report" the news.  Such as, Muller report formed a twister of words dropping hail on President Trump’s 2016 campaign.  While disturbed hearts of students, fear of wearing a bullet proof backpacks to study at their University.   To point out, was Trump swaddled in an American flag? because he looks like a strip with a star on his chest wearing blue shoulder pads.  While, heartbroken Hilary pushed herself into the history books.  Thus, black and white smudge ink no longer spills over the pages of today’s news.  They are extremely diverse in topics and platforms covering extremist "Newspapers around the world prominently display the death of the al-Qaida leader and 9/11 mastermind who died in a U.S. raid on his compound in Pakistan.", politics, and woman rights, excreta.  The "Archive Front Pages" move colorful people and objects.

Source: Archived Front Pages
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