Friday, June 28, 2019

Too Easy to Spread Misinformation

Too Easy to Spread Misinformation

People who were righteously outraged by the lies surrounding the Parkland Shooting unintentionally and unfortunately were one of the primary sources of the misinformation. If they had not blown up the story on the social media, fewer people would have seen it and the story might have died sooner “the crisis actors narrative was being amplified on other platforms, as well. The promotion of stories being aggressively pushed by far-right conspiracy sites raised alarms. YouTube had to intervene to remove a video promoting the crisis actor conspiracy that topped its trending algorithm.” This is an interesting and counterintuitive problem because the disgust with the misinformation contributes to the spread of misinformation. It is difficult to solve this issue because of how interconnected and large our society has become.

[1 Image, 1 Link, 1 Quote, 128 words]

Too Little Too Late

Too Little Too Late

The platform Politifact is a prominent source of fact-checking for politicians and media outlets. Every year they rank false claims made by individuals or groups and pick 'lie of the year.' For the year 2018, Politifact chose the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school students as crisis actors as the lie of the year. After the school shooting, many conspiracy theorists were making the false claim  "that student leader David Hogg and the other students were “crisis actors” and not actually students from the school." This direct contradiction to the conspiracy theorist aims to undermine their message and anyone that may support it.

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front page news

In the apollo moon landing, which occurred in the year 1969, the hearing of this accomplishment spread around the world QUICKlY. It's pictures and information was put on any everything that people could their hands on, and one of the best things that provided the information, was newspapers. When it struck the newspaper, the archived picture of the front page used very large print, but also made it inviting for the reader to dive into the information that the publisher provided for the public. Along withe the welcoming print, it also provided large pictures that struck the readers eyes first, which drew them closer into reading more about it. Even though this was a historic moment for our country, this hasn't been the only time that national news received this amount of coverage and there will be much more in the future.

Journalist in the wild

Journalist in the wild: This article is a good example of journalist in the wild. They lady named Aura Bogado is known for reporting on covering immigration. Aura meets with immigration kids that have been separated from their family and parents that have been separated from their kids. This article states that “ she reports that parents are very clear about not wanting to share their story but just anxious for an update on their kids”which is very interesting.

Investigate Journalism

Investigate Journalism: This article describes a good argument in neighborhoods rather or not Air B&B’s. I believe Air B&Bs are a good way to make money and is very convenient. People that travel can now stay in a house if they chose so its is almost like having your own business right out of your own home. I can also see why people would be upset about having an Air B&B by there house because of all the noise. define-investigative-journalism/


relevant film or book

Relevant Film or book: After watching the film “ All the Presidents men” I found this film very interesting. The water gate incident was hidden up very well. It Amazes me how people are unable to control information that the public receives and how big the power is. The video I watched was very intriguing and fast past. The film was showing different scenes one after another and was suspenseful with the type righter saying words. https:// nixon-woodward-bernstein-redford-hoffman

Tom Brokaw

Tom Brokaw is an American Journalist and author. He was born in Webster, South Dakota and attended University of South Dakota. He is well known for being the anchor for NBC's Nightly News. He was also known for being one of the "Big Three" news anchors in the United States during the 1980's. In 2014, he informed the public that he had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, which is a cancer that is incurable and affects the blood cells in the bone marrow. That same year, he announced that his cancer was in remission. One of his quotes says, It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." Throughout his career as a journalist, Tom Brokaw has made a big impact in the news industry.

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The Onion: Satire vs. Fake News

I was recently talking to some friends and they showed me a ridiculous article on Facebook talking about how to determine if you’re an Android or not. This made me start thinking, what is the difference between satire and fake news? Marnie Shure is the managing editor of The Onion and she says that the opinion has different intentions than fake news. Shure says, “We train readers on our brand of satire rather than trick them. And when we have the readers trained it speaks a greater truth to power.” I agree with Shure. Fake news is often the media’s attempt to frame a story in a way that misleads the public, whereas The Onion tries to address issues in a lighthearted way. [1 image, 1 quotation, 1 link, 123 words].

Ann Curry

Ann Curry is an accomplished journalist and photojournalist. She has covered numerous topics, from wars in the Middle East to climate change. Currently, Curry is the executive producer of a television series called We’ll Meet Again, aired on PBS. It is a documentary-style show that reunites people who met once in a life-changing moment. The series is heartfelt and allows viewers an inside look into monumental stories. Curry describes it as, “a series of stories about people who are separated by events in history.” A photo gallery by Blink Films gives viewers a look behind the scenes of the show’s production.  [11 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 102 words]

The Post

This week I had the opportunity to watch the movie “The Post.” The movie stars Meryl Streep as an unsure woman who is tasked with taking over her late husband’s newspaper. As she’s adjusting, the newspaper’s editor Ben Bradlee comes into contact with a source that provided the newspaper with the evidence that eventually turned into the Pentagon Papers. The story is a strong tale of journalists that must make the call on what is in their personal best interest and what is their duty to the people of the United States as journalists. Ultimately, a small group comes together to start piecing together the papers and releases them to the public. The group's journey to make the decision is inspiring and I was captivated by the characters. [1 image, 1 movie, 128 words].