Friday, June 28, 2019

Corruption in Democracy

Corruption in Democracy 
The world's largest democracy with 462 million people is India, except freedom doesn't quite ring the same way for them. Citizens are not allowed the most basic of natural rights: freedom to access the internet whenever. With no sight to an end, India has since upped the frequency of internet blackouts from 2017, a total of 79 internet blackouts, to 2018 with a total of 97 blackouts just by August. If India does not permit its citizens to obtain unleashed access of information via the internet because they are afraid of conspiracists plotting against their government, then India is not a good example of a democracy and there needs to be more trust built between the government and its people. 
To utilize the internet is to be civilized, to be apart of civilization, and to take away that born right at the flip of a switch is hindering the advancement and evolution and of a whole nation. As stated in the article, “ The overall impact is huge: a recent study from 2012 to 2017, internet blackouts have cost the country over $3 billion in lost revenue.” It is affecting the lives of 462 million people who are business owners, researchers, scientists, journalist. They are all feeling detriment from their own elected officials, whom they trusted. 
We have a constitutional right, a natural right as a human being born on this planet, to education, freedom to unrestricted internet should be in harmony. It is so important to keep up with what is going on in the world because no problem will ever be solved if it is ignored, averting heads to the situation. To solve world issues, notice has to be taken. 462 million people, 462 million brains, cannot take notice. 462 million people are uninformed, because access to information and connections around the world are not made available to them.
Rusek, Jacob, and Angad Singh. “India Is the World's Biggest Democracy. It's Also the Worst for Shutting Down the Internet.” Vice, VICE, 26 Aug. 2018,   
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, and  342 words] 

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