Friday, June 28, 2019

Relevant Film or Book

Relevant Film or Book
:Image result for all the presidents men
All the President’s Men takes place during the Watergate Scandal.  The White House or at this time was trying every way possible to cover their tracks.  They tried to seal all records and say they were confidential.  When recordings and scripts were release it came about several minutes of audio were missing.  In All the President’s Men, Hoffman’s Character Carl Bernstein states “There is no way the White House can control this investigation.”  Two investigative journalist dig deep and follow a money trail that they believe is to pay off anyone from talking.  They have an inside source they are communicating with named “Deep Throat.”  The truth starts to unfold as these journalist uncover exactly what happened at Watergate.  They publish a story outlining exactly what happened.  This ultimately led to President Nixon’s resignation.  Without these investigative journalist would the public ever have know what was really going on or would the White House had been able to cover it up?  Even after 9/11 I remember being little and watching the news and seeing journalist in the war zone risking their lives to share their story with their viewers.  They gave us an inside look as to what was really going on.  I think without journalism so much would be left untold.  The American Pressdefines the purpose of journalism as, “to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.”
[255 words, 2 quotes, 1 link]

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