Friday, June 28, 2019

Why there are no supersonic airlines.

Nowadays the only way to travel supersonic is by joining the air force. A few years ago this was not true. In 2003 the last passenger supersonic air craft, the Concorde, was finally retired. The plane was able to exceed mach 2 (twice the speed of sound) and would make a journey from New York to London in 3 hrs and 15 mins which is pretty much half the time the flight takes nowadays. So why was it retired?
This was just one of the many problems that came with commercialized super sonic flight. It also produced sonic booms that would sometimes damage buildings therefore limiting where it could fly. Many environmentalists would also point out that the supersonics had a negative effect on the environment and with a poor fuel efficiency it was not appealing to airlines to purchase and therefore the cost of tickets where also really high. These are reasons we still do not have supersonic aircraft but in the future these problems may be solved and maybe everyone will be able to experience the novelty of supersonic flight. [1 image, 1 quotation, 1 links, 206 words]

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