Friday, June 28, 2019

K2 epidemic

While browsing The Colony chatter for interesting topics I came across a post about K2 and how it affected our town. According to The "synthetic marijuana, or K2, have been sweeping newsstands and social media channels. That is because an alarming number of individuals on the drug are flooding emergency rooms and police departments, acting violent, delusional, anxious and combative. U.S. poison centers have experienced a 229 percent increase in calls related to use and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has declared the number of synthetic marijuana overdoses an outbreak." In the post the members of the colony had some opinions about the drug Cody stated "There was a huge opiate epidemic or still is but in 2014 they started cracking down on it hard!" he also mentions "i never did the drug because i saw how it affected my friends". Another member states his opinion " The problem with this drug is now infinitely more complicated than it was when i was a kid." He also makes a point by stating "We had pot, speed, and coke as our only drugs" now a days there are far more drugs. K2 was a drug that hit the world by storm and had a huge affect on the people that took them. K2 is still being talked about in our community because of the damage it left. 

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