Friday, June 28, 2019

Negative Effects of Fake News

The Atlantic posted an article in response to a Pew Research Study on the topic of fake news. It found that “Americans rate it as a larger problem than racism, climate change, or terrorism.” A few years ago, the term “fake news” meant nothing, yet now it holds quite a negative connotation amongst media consumers. They found that most people’s response to the influx of disinformation is to either check the facts themselves or to drop a certain news source altogether. Since many people cut out one or more news sources based on the potential of being bias, many people end up less informed according to this article. Clearly, the presence of fake news has a significant impact on our society. However, instead of ignoring the problem by removing sources from our usual lineup, we should demand as media consumers that something be done about this outrageous behavior! 

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation and 148 words]

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