Friday, June 28, 2019

Are Hologram Concerts Ethical?

In 2012 Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre performed a concert with a hologram of the late rapper Tupac Shakur. This was quite the success as a few Tupac albums would rise again in sales and many. This would inspire others to attempt the same thing. And now with holograms of Whitney Houston and Buddy Holly it seems that this practice is becoming more popular. But is this practice ethical?
"Holographic performances that create a likeness of an artist led music journalist Simon Reynolds to coin the phrase ghost slavery.”". Some may see this a a way to reminisce about an earlier time when the artist was alive while others see it a companies taking advantage of dead artists. One thing for sure is that as this phenomenon becomes more common this will be a question that will be heavily debated on.
[1 image, 1 quotation, 2 links, 141 words]

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