Thursday, June 27, 2019

Hologram Projection

Wkth the help of social media platforms, news good or bad spreads rather quickly. It's hard to know what articles are credible enough to believe. I found an article claiming that the iPhone 5 would be "coming out with a holographic keyboard and projector" Now, to some this might sound crazy but to others it sounds realistic. "The reports of the iPhone's hologram technology came complete with a video that showed lasers spewing out of the phone to manifest images onto thin air, like a tiny, more advanced R2-D2. " Although, after further reading the article it explained, "The features that Fox announced would be included in the iPhone 5 was a fake video. It wasn't a hoax meant to suck in gullible journalists -- it was just mocked up by an animation studio to show off their CGI. This goes to show that everyone, even journalists should do their research and make sure they're sources are credible.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotation, 156 words]

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