Thursday, June 27, 2019

Under 21 and Drinking

Image result for underage drinking

One of the problems within my community would be underage drinking. In today's generation there is quite a lot of underage people who somehow get a hold of fake ID or pass as a 21 year old or older based on looks. I know people who I used to go to school with who are under 21 and always post videos of themselves drinking. I didn't ask any of them directly why they do it, sure some response would probably be something along the lines of "Just for fun", "Why not? Life's too short, I can do whatever I want" etc. So I turned to those friends who don't drink and asked them their opinion on it. One of them said, "I think some people find alcohol as a form to escape a situation in which they are in. They think that alcohol numbs their pain which might be true in some cases but it's only temporary. Also, some do just do it for fun and others definitely do it for attention or to fit in with the rest." I personally think the same way. Although, under age drinkers should still be very careful because the consequences are big!

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 199 words].

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