Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Counterfeiters on Social Media

Social media is something most of us use everyday. Instagram is one of the highest platforms that has many counterfeiters selling products, specifically cosmetic products. They have an ad and reel you in by using your emotions as well as the hype and appeal of the product being posted. In this article it was shown in the chart that "social media users are willing to do more than scroll through pictures - they’re also potential customers". These consumers are seeing something appealing and not even looking into the product to see if it is real. "Counterfeiters are adopting social media marketing at such a high rate since they’re able to tap into a huge potential target market for their fake products." This is super concerning because these people are completely fooling us and taking our money for fake products or products that you pay for and may never even receive. 

[2 quotes, 1 image, 1 link, 150 words]

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