Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fake News in Social Media

With social media information travels very fast. You can see "news" and it may be very interesting so you retweet it or share it on Facebook, with not even knowing if it is true. We look at social media and the most outrages headlines or the most out there stories to share. Fake news on social media is spreading at a crazy rate. "They found that false news stories were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories were." 70 percent is a huge number, the people putting out the fake news are using pathos to grab your attention. This article was super interesting to me to read the statistics on twitter and the amount of retweets that fake news gets compared to the truth. "It took the truth about six times as long as falsehood to reach 1,500 people". 

[1 image, 2 quotations, 1 link, 142 words]

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